M & A : Advisory : IPO
“IPO Advisory”
If you’ve been considering how to accelerate your growth prospects, going public through an Initial Public Offering (IPO) could be one highly viable option.
Our proven M&A model is designed to create the best IPO result, based on a proven track record . Our methodology is based on five cornerstones:
- Accurately understand your desired IPO outcome and growth objectives.
- Analysing your strategic edge and prospects, market sector and competitors, to support the Analyst presentation and Institutional marketing process.
- Developing IPO strategy based on the processes above,and identifying the investigating Accountants, reporting Lawyers, prospectus Writer and Stock Broker
- Assembling the most appropriate independent Board of Directors and Due Diligence Committee to ultimately sign off on the Prospectus and IPO
- Advisory for the completion process, including facilitating with the ASX listing department, ASIC for Prospectus approval, and relevant Accountants,Lawyers, prospectus Writer and Stock Broker.
Firstly we work to understand your reasons for an IPO. Your motivation could be:
- To raise capital to fund growth prospects
- To lift your company profile
- To provide an exit strategy for existing shareholders
- To make acquisitions with the new share currency
- To provide management and staff with incentives and a share of the business.
Next we evaluate the viability of an IPO for your business and includes going through the advantages and disadvantages of IP0, the strategic rationale, risks and rewards. We recommend the following criteria to justify your efforts and costs, as well as attract a sufficient appetite from the public:
- At least 3 years of audited profits (before tax), exceeding $3million per annum
- Growth profile of profits (before tax) exceeding 15% per annum over the last 3 years
- A forecast growth of profits (before tax) of at least 15% per annum over the next 3 years
- Target a Market Capitalisation of at least $30 million post-IPO proceeds
- A large and preferably diversified customer base
- Strong financial reporting and forecasts
- Unequivocal willingness and acceptance from Directors and Senior Management to comply with the Corporate Governance code and ASX guidelines for listed companies
The next step finalises the process. The IPO process involves the following 10 work streams:
- Appointment of Advisers
- Preparation of management information
- Audit of historical information and track record
- Financial and Legal Due Diligence
- Prospectus preparation and Regulatory approvals
- Analysts presentation
- Verification of Forecasts
- Attracting the right Stock Broker
- Investor Relations and Marketing to Institutions
- Roadshows
With 25 years of M&A experience and proven deal closures Wiese & Stone can design with you a bespoke solution with the best possible outcome.
Wiese & Stone operate out of Queensland to enable us to deliver a bespoke service countrywide and beyond.
M&A Middle Market Topics
Get in touch for a discreet information session about your exit, expansion or acquisition strategy where we will discuss the following 5 key items:
- Understand your desired outcome
- Understanding your business
- Develop a framework for your exit, expansion or acquisition strategy
- Advising the most appropriate and timeous way to be “Due Diligence” ready.
- How to present the transaction only to highly qualified suitors